About an hour's drive outside the city of Puno we turned down a long flat road between vacant fields and gazed at the magical rock formations jutting up out of the already 14,000 foot altitude.
The Puerta de Hayu Marca - Doorway of the Amaru Muru is an ancient dimensional doorway carved in a giant wall of solid rock.
This 'stargate' has many legends surrounding it, including the story that it is an active working portal that transports beings into and out of this world.
Amaru Muru was the first God who had the golden disc "key" who disappeared through the portal. No one knows where it 'takes' you, but for thousands of years shamans have been coming here to honour the Gods and tap into the historical energy still very present.
Roberto, our lovely shaman facilitated our experience with the portal. It is important to approach with reverence and prepare our physical, spiritual and mental selves to enter so as to connect in the deepest way and have the best journey possible. We left kintu's, prayers with coca leaves, opened sacred space and set our intentions.
Individually we entered the alcove to the left of the portal and were cleansed with Florida water and palo santo smoke. Then Roberto assisted each one of us in breathing rapidly, almost like hyperventilating to get into a lighter state of being. Then moving into the alcove on the right, we continued breathing into our heart and solar plexus expanding these chakra's.
Finally we kneeled at the portal and put our foreheads to the carved out divet in the middle where it is perceived that the original golden disc was placed. Roberto holds space, meditating and connecting to the Gods' heartfelt presence at this sacred site. I guess he is also making sure he doesn't 'lose' any of his passengers through the gate! I don't imagine that would be great for business, but it would be pretty cool to witness!
My knees are not my strongest point, so kneeling on hard rock unfortunately put me right back into my body and I found it hard to concentrate at first, but then I noticed a profound energy spiralling through my forehead. I could feel all the kundalini energy from the day before at Lake Titicaca stirring up again and my body started shaking from within.
Leisa had a profound healing experience in the portal, healing a suppressed childhood memory almost like a soul-retrieval. Felix, a polite, shy young man who was our driver for the trip took part in a few of our ceremonies and it was obvious he had had a huge experience because he was absolutely transformed! His entire personality blossomed and his intense pensiveness dissipated and by the end of the trip he was laughing and giving and receiving warm hugs.
In one way or another everyone has an awakening, healing or transformation during our trips. It's almost unavoidable. I never know what is going to happen, even re-visiting places I've already been and repeating ceremonies, we are all continually evolving and the magical, pristine energy of Peru somehow pulls out the highest and best of everyone.
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