Thursday 17 March 2011

Dreams Speak

In the early hours of the morning when Japan was under nature’s siege I had a disturbing dream. I was in the kitchen of my childhood home with two people who I didn’t know. Something, a huge force picked me up and slammed me up against the wall. Then I went flying across the room and hit the opposite wall and from there, the ceiling until finally I fell onto the floor. I saw the other two people just watching, helpless. I forced myself awake wondering what on earth that was about. I had to get up and get some water and clear my head. That was about 4-something in the morning.

I managed to get back to sleep and then I dreamed that I had slept through my alarm and sat up in bed and looked at my clock which said 9:11. I freaked out thinking I had just fifteen minutes to get up and ready before a friend was going to arrive. But then I realised I was sleeping, because something just didn’t feel right. Then my actual alarm rang at 8 am.

Later when I was awake the news of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was everywhere. I was recounting both dreams to a friend and suddenly realised I had been tapping into the earth’s chaotic energies. Last year I had been in Hawaii, boogie boarding with basically no idea or skill as to when to catch a wave and was absolutely splattered onto the sandy floor. I watched myself with arms and legs askew and felt like it was worse than a bad car accident. I surfaced to find concerned surfers waiting for me. I wasn’t hurt, but I was certainly shaken and had a newfound respect for the enormous force of our mamacocha, mother ocean.

There have been other times in my life when I have tapped into disasters happening and I expressly prayed to God to shield me from this insight. I know a woman who receives all of it and she is understandably very stressed out. But these days with the shifts in the polarity of the earth, and the planets disco dancing above us it is difficult to avoid feeling the changing times right beneath our feet.

The important thing is to NOT respond with fear and worry as that will only pour more of that energy out there. We need to access our ability to send calmness, love, strength and healing to the earth and all of the people in it. For centuries humans have learned about love and unity through trauma. Let’s take preventative action and send out that kind of powerful love healing energy NOW. Our planet needs our energetic support.

Saturday 12 March 2011

Balancing Our Mind, Body + Spirit

After last week’s trip to London I feel completely revived on so many levels. In December I went waterskiing for the first time in 33 years. It was great fun, even when I wiped out. After the initial paralytic muscle soreness wore off I realised that my entire left side wasn’t quite right. I am an active, fit person so I didn’t worry too much about this, trusting that my body would re-adjust in time. By early February I was experiencing the first pangs of what felt like sciatica in my lower back and down my left leg. I exercised and hung on the inversion bar but this shooting pain just kept accelerating.

In London all my beautiful therapist friends looked after me. I surrendered to their nurturing and received intensive massage, lymphatic drainage and finally my brilliant cranio/sacral osteopath friend realigned my body. I could feel energy spurt from my toes to my head and back again. It was as though I had a champagne cork wedged somewhere in my left side holding back my natural flow. Ahh finally pain free!

After years of predominantly concentrating on my body, these days it gets pushed to the bottom of my list. I work on my mind, looking at my belief systems and cleaning up my thoughts on a regular basis. I meditate regularly and have been literally clearing in my house which immediately affects every other level.  As a result my spirit has been celebrating, feeling much more connected and in tune with everything and everyone around me. Any body work I ever receive is usually profound. Because I get regular exercise and eat healthily I forget that sometimes my body needs further attention.

We are all mind, body and spirit and it is essential that we engage in caring for all three aspects preventatively in a balanced way so we can be in full flow every day, feeling, thinking and BEING our best. Examine which part of your make-up you need to embrace a little more lovingly. Feel your mind, body and spirit all rejoice together and make you shine in your brightest, fully flowing light.