Divine Respect in Pisac
I don’t know how many times I have actually been to Pisac, all lovely experiences because it is such a beautiful sacred mountain with so many wonderful temples, but today was by far the most profound experience I have ever had there. It might have even been one of the most important moments I have ever had in Peru!
Every time I come here I say, “This is the best trip ever!” because it just keeps getting better and better and this time is no different. I have a very small group but it is like travelling with family, and as ever by day three we have all bonded profoundly, shifted incredible amounts, shared laughter, tears, secrets and important realisations.
There are no accidents. There are no coincidences. Divine Timing is exactly that; Divine because it is perfect in the timing, deliverance and reception of the ultimate gift that is bestowed. Whatever challenges have come before are perfect in our preparation for what is to come. And then THE moment comes; the great “Aha”, the Internal Shift, the Willing Surrender, the Perfect Answer, the Condor Soaring. Magic.
This morning over breakfast we talked about love. It is the uniting energy of all life. We need to surrender to that love force. People think it is the weak who surrender, but you must be at your greatest strength to fully surrender. Roberto pointed out that the stones in Pisac and every Incan site are not held together with any cement. They are simply cuddled up next to each other providing a purpose for the other; strength, support, and the adjoining wall mirrors that. The walls are built to integrate with nature showing respect for the forms that are already there. These structures have stood for hundreds of years and withstood many earthquakes, yet buildings held together with cement fall apart. He used this as an analogy for relationships built on attachment (ie: some kind of motivational glue like fear, neediness, loneliness, money, children) but when the grounding is rocked the relationship falls apart. If people came together with unconditional liberated love, respecting the other person as they already are, they would remain united through every challenge.
Today’s first theme in Pisac was to connect with our ancestors and continue our self healing. This, for me was unlike any experience I have ever had in this process (I connect with my ancestors often). It was the most profound homecoming at a cellular level, complete with electrical sensations pulsing through my body and absolutely clear images of the faces of my ancestors who were me; who are me because we are all One, and no, I was not experiencing any plant medicine of any kind during this fundamental understanding at a physical level. Totally WOW.
We then proceeded along the winding path, up and down ancient steps, to arrive at another altar this one seriously edgy! We didn’t step out onto this one, but sat comfortably back to project our energy out and receive the wind life force into our souls and connect once again with the condor. I sat as far back as possible with my knees bent over the vertical edge and leaned my torso almost flat against my thighs with my arms open. I closed my eyes and became the condor....I was flying. It was so excellent. Eventually I felt a tug at the back of my trousers. Roberto had come up behind me to just hold on, protecting me, knowing that the invitation from spirit to fly comes in a breath with the greatest temptation...
Other group members were having their own magical epiphanies. It was a divine commemorating moment for all of us, each in our own space yet completely connected.
The rest of the day continued with succinct answers, absolute hilarity, delicious food, exquisite shopping and perfect chocolate. We know our ancestors are celebrating that divinity. Respect!
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